Tuesday, November 16, 2010


ValueServer.de is offering FREE VPS to push IPv6 deployment.

EDIT : FREE VPS SERVER appears Out of stock

Update: Free VPS avail Again from 16/10/2010

  • 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
  • 5GB storage
  • 100GB/month data transfer
  • 10% CPU limit
  • Debian Lenny 32bit

Get your free VPS here. One IPv6 IP address is provided and no IPv4 connectivity, so you need either native IPv6 or use tunnelling. Servers in Germany in Frankfurt am Main. ValueServer.de has been around for many years. You need basic IPv6 Knowledge to access and setup this FREE VPS.


  1. Again free vps not availabe. Outof stock.??!

  2. Got one free vps with them and works fine. But i can't able to connect ipv4 servers using wget to download. It's too bad i can't even able to download control panel (KLOXO) to manage my accounts...

  3. Try Free tunnel broker service to enable to reach the IPv6 Internet by tunneling over existing IPv4 connections from your IPv6 enabled host or router to one of our IPv6 routers. To use this service you need to have an IPv6 capable host (IPv6 support is available for most platforms) or router which also has IPv4 (existing Internet) connectivity. Tunnel service is oriented towards developers and experimenters that want a stable tunnel platform. visit: http://tunnelbroker.net/
