Saturday, January 22, 2011

Start Your Paid Hosting Company for Free! is the easiest and free way to start your own Paid web hosting business. They give you everything you need - Free servers, unique administrator control panel, unique client control panel, help desk, payment gateway and automation, and much more - all for free!

Just like running your own business, You have full control of everything, 100% customization of any section, and retain 100% of earnings - because it's You Hosting! !!

•You can provide free web hosting services and sell paid hosting upgrades.
•You get 100% of what you sell - that's because all sales go directly to your PayPal or 2checkout account!
•You can have unlimited clients and host unlimited domains. Each account can have up to 10 GB of disk space and 100 GB data transfer.
•The system is a completely private label - there are no traces leading to Youhosting. All parts of the system will show your brand and domain name.

•Youhosting service is totally free! You will never have to pay for anything. They give you servers, administrator panel, client hosting account control panel, billing system, payment automation, help desk and much more for free. There are no ads, no tricks, no catches and no restrictive terms. Check thier FAQ to learn more why we are offering this service for free.
•Ability to setup unlimited free and paid hosting accounts and clients! Each client can also host unlimited domains!
•Setup your own web hosting packages. Set disk space quotas, data transfer limits. Decide how many email accounts, FTP accounts, databases, sub-domains your clients can have.
•By using the power of the feature sets you can make your service unique. You can decide which from over 50 features your hosting accounts can or not support. Different hosting plans can have different feature sets assigned.
•White labeled control panel on your own unique domain. All system runs under your brand, company name and domain name. For example, clients will have to log in at '', access email at '', MySQL host name will be '' and so on.
For details visit


  1. Do they provide free dedicated servers with root access.?

  2. No. But you can provide free or paid hosting to your customer under your own brand using their Admin control panel.

  3. By doing this what benefit you have?
    you providing paid hosting company for free means any disadvantage is their?

  4. Advanced technologies in any field are a positive sign for any business. Everyday internet is coming with new advanced surprises. Good capabilities of software and hardware improve the growth rate of any business.
