Monday, January 24, 2011

VlexoFree - Top Free Hosting

Top Free Hosting is one of the Top Free Hosting site in web. You can get lot of features including cpanel auto installer , cron jobs, ad free hosting etc ., We are listing some of features of this top free hosting website here.
You can backup and restore you website contents using their backup/restore feature.

•Manage email accounts (add, remove, change password)
•Webmail for all accounts
•Custom mail filtering
•Mailing lists (mailman)
•Ability to modify an MX entry
•Spam filtering (SpamAssassin)

•Ability to add/remove subdomains
•Subdomain redirects
•Stats for subdomains

Advanced Tools
•Manage GPG keys
•Cron jobs

CGI Scripts
•Interchange Cart
•Agora Cart
•Bulletin Board
•Java Chat
•HTML Chat
•CGI Wrapper (for non-suexec installs)
•Random HTML generator
•Advanced Guestbook
•Counter Generator
•Java Clock Generator
•Java Countdown Generator
•Secure FormMail clone
•Entropy Search
•Entropy Banner

Site tools
•Web Protect (.htaccess editor)
•Ability to change site and FrontPage password
•Custom error pages
•Ability to edit MIME types
•Ability to edit Apache handlers
•Install/Uninstall FrontPage Extensions
•Search engine submit tool
•File Manager

•Manage MySQL databases
•phpMyAdmin access

•Manage FTP accounts (add, remove, change password)
•Anonymous FTP controls
•Ability to change FTP login message
•Ability to kill FTP sessions

Server side languages:
•PHP 5.3.4
•MySQL 5.1
•Ruby on Rails

Here we can't able to give all features of this top free hosting website. Just signup and enjoy this top free hosting.

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